Dear Sherlockians, liebe Sherlockianer,

THANKS to the homunculus verlag here in Germany, you have the chance to win two Sherlock Holmes Advent Calendars. Due to the fact that the corona virus is still here and Christmas is coming very close as well, you should be prepared for a splendid Christmas season (probably) at home!

Here is your chance to make your Christmas and your December even better! If you haven’t read my review on the calendars, you should definitely need to do it, to make sure the Sherlock Holmes Advent Calendar is the right choice for you: <Review #39: Mr. Holmes’ Advent Calendars>.

You can either win Vol. 1 or Vol. 2! Two winners!

For further information on the publisher and the calendars:

What is your possible prize?

Who can participate?

  1. you must be at least 16 years old
  2. you must live in Europe (sorry, need to keep the shipping costs low)
  3. you can only participate once

How can you participate? (Choose one)

> Twitter
> Facebook

When does it start and end?

How / When will the winners be announced?

The two winners will be announced on Monday, 16th November 2020 via social media. There will be no costs for you. I will take care of the shipping.

If you have any questions, please ask me in advance:


For transparency: the homunculus publisher sent me all the Sherlock Holmes Advent Calendars (Vol. 1-4 in German, Vol. 1-2 in English). From these calendars, I can give away two.


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